Thank you for visiting our web site and learning more about Mile High Weimaraner Rescue and the wonderful work we are doing.
We are always in need of foster homes!!! We can never have too many of those. We do not have a kenneling facility, so we rely solely on our foster families to give our dogs a loving home until a permanent home can be selected.. Fosters are responsible for caring for and grooming the dog, teaching them house manners (if they need it), and taking them to the vet if they need a check up or shots. Rescue pays for the visits to the vet, but we need you to take them. (If you are unable to transport to and from the vet we have volunteers who can assist) We also have crates, bowls, leashes and collars. So, really, you get to have the joy of helping a Weimaraner in need in your home until a forever home can be found.
If you are interested in fostering with the thought of adopting, please complete our adoption application form instead of this form and be sure to mention that you'd like to a foster a dog with the intent of adopting.
Please be sure to read the Foster Guidelines document. It is a large guide that is very comprehensive and will give you more information about how our foster program works.